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Honoring Manijeh Razeghi, Northwestern University
Honoring Manijeh Razeghi, Northwestern University
Optical Society of America (OSA) - February 23, 2017
Prof. Razeghi has been an inspiration to me professionally and personally, more than a decade now. Every day, I strive to match her energy, her drive for excellence, and her leadership skills. I feel very lucky and fortunate that she is my PhD advisor and am honored to be a colleague of Prof. Razeghi ... [read more]
New Design for Longer Lasting Night-Vision Cameras
New Design for Longer Lasting Night-Vision Cameras
McCormick Engineering News/ Amanda Morris - February 21, 2017
Northwestern Engineering’s Manijeh Razeghi and her team have developed a new approach to improving the technologies in night-vision cameras — potentially making these all-too-frequent breakdowns a thing of the past. Razeghi’s team developed a breakthrough design of strained-layer indium arsenide/indium arsenide antimonide type-II superlattices, a key component for making high-performance, long-wavelength infrared photodetectors for different applications, including night-vision cameras. “With a special superlattice-based electron barrier, the newly designed photodetector limits the obstructing dark current density, while raising the background limited infrared photodetection temperature,” said Razeghi, Walter P. Murphy Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Northwestern’s McCormick School of Engineering. “This enables the infrared cameras to perform imaging at higher operating temperatures and reduces the need for cryogenic cooling power inside the camera.” ... [read more]
Honoring Manijeh Razeghi, Northwestern University
Honoring Manijeh Razeghi, Northwestern University
Optical Society of America (OSA) - February 15, 2017
Dr Razeghi is a uniquely inspiring person, with an incredible drive and passion. She knows no obstacles for achieving technological wonders in her laboratory. Her courage, strong will and relentless academic activity are an impressive example for anyone who has a privilege of working under her instruction. I'd like to express to her my deep gratitude for helping me grow as a human being and as a scientist. ... [read more]
Certification of Appreciation from Journal of Nanophotonics
Certification of Appreciation from Journal of Nanophotonics
SPIE - January 26, 2017
Dr. Manijeh Razeghi received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Journal of Nanophotonics for her service as a reviewer for the journal for 2016. ... [read more]
Quantum cascade lasers: from tool to product
Quantum cascade lasers: from tool to product
Opt. Express 23(7), 8462-8475 (2015) - December 21, 2016
OSA's Optics Express publishes some of the most-cited research in optics and photonics. In fact, with 84,397 Total Citations in 2015, it is ranked the 2nd most cited Journal out of 90 journals in the Optics Category, according to the 2015 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2016). It is also ranked #2 in the Google Scholar Optics & Photonics Category (h5-index 105). ... [read more]
Razeghi Featured in McCormick Fall Newsletter
Razeghi Featured in McCormick Fall Newsletter
McCormick Research Newsletter, Fall 2016 - October 15, 2016
Center for Quantum Devices Director Manijeh Razeghi was featured in the Fall Newsletter of the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science. This fall she won the Czochralski Gold Medal in recognition of her life's work in the area of material science. ... [read more]
Dr Abbas Haddadi Receives 2016 International Institute for Nanotechnology (IIN) Outstanding Researcher Award
Dr Abbas Haddadi Receives 2016 International Institute for Nanotechnology (IIN) Outstanding Researcher Award
2016 IIN Symposium - October 6, 2016
Dr Abbas Haddadi has received 2016 International Institute for Nanotechnology (IIN) Outstanding Researcher Award. The award is given to the researchers who have made exceptional contributions to the nanotechnology research effort over the past year. ... [read more]
Manijeh Razeghi Receives Jan Czochralski Gold Medal
Manijeh Razeghi Receives Jan Czochralski Gold Medal
McCormick Engineering News/ Amanda Morris - September 12, 2016
Northwestern Engineering’s Manijeh Razeghi has received the Jan Czochralski Gold Medal from the European Materials Research Society. The award recognizes her life achievements in the field of advanced materials science. An expert in quantum devices, Razeghi will be presented with the award and will deliver a plenary talk at the Society’s fall meeting on Wednesday, September 21 in Warsaw, Poland. “It took decades for the scientific community to recognize the importance of Jan Czochralski’s work,” said Razeghi, Walter P. Murphy Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Northwestern’s McCormick School of Engineering. “On the 100th anniversary of his discovery, I am particularly proud to receive this award for my contributions to semiconductor quantum materials and devices. We can see the results of Czochralski’s science in almost every electronic and photonic device that we encounter. Even the first light-emitting diode would not have been successful without the high-quality substrates produced with the Czochralski Method.” ... [read more]
Widely tunable MIR QCL eyed for spectroscopy, chemical sensing
Widely tunable MIR QCL eyed for spectroscopy, chemical sensing
flhotonlcs Spectra 29 - August 15, 2016
A broadband-tunable IR laser has dem­onstrated the ability to capture the unique spectral fingerprints of gases. The monolithic laser technology is compact, and is expected to have applications in spectroscopy and chemical sensing. The laser only has one moving part-a fan for cooling purposes -which Northwestern University professor Manijeh Razeghi cited as a major advantage over existing systems. Most such lasers require mechanical parts to achieve tuning. It oper­ates in the 6.2-to 9.1-µm wavelength range with a single emit­ting aperture by integrating an 8-laser sampled grating distrib­uted feedback laser array with an on-chip beam combiner, and its gain medium is based on a 5-core heterogeneous quantum cascade laser wafer. ... [read more]
Improving Internet with Mid-Wavelength Infrared
Improving Internet with Mid-Wavelength Infrared
McCormick Press Release - July 26, 2016
Razeghi and her team have developed an extremely sensitive mid-wavelength infrared photodetector that has potential to replace near-infrared FSO communications links in many applications. Called a phototransistor, the novel device is a combination of an electronic transistor and optoelectronic photodiode. ... [read more]

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