291. | Growth of Ge-Dopes AlGaN Compound Semiconductor - January 31, 1996 Photoluminescence data for Al[x]Ga[1-x]N samples with x < 0.2 displayed sharp band edge emission and a bread deep-level emission near 2.4 eV. Ge doping eliminated the deep level emission features observed in un-dopes AlGaN samples suggesting that this deep level emission may be related to Ga vacancies that could be filled by Ge donor impurities ... [read more] |
292. | Razeghi, Faber Reconized for Achievement Observer - November 6, 1995 Two faculty members at the Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science -- Manijeh Razeghi and Katherine Faber -- have been cited by the Society of Women Engineers for outstanding achievements. ... [read more] |
293. | Aluminum-Free Diode Lasers Last Longer Laser Focus World - November 1, 1995 Ongoing test suggest both rugged operation and long life for InGaAsP based aluminum-free diode lasers fabricated by researchers at Northwestern University. Elimination of aluminum removes an easily oxidized specie that spreads performance-degrading defects through the structure by forming light-absorbing dark lines. ... [read more] |
294. | Engineering Center and Korea Collaborate Observer - October 2, 1995 The Center for Quantum Devices has been selected be the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation for a long-term collaboration to develop new lasers and semiconductor devices. The $1300,000 a year collaboration will enable research scientist and postdocs from the Joenbuk REsearch Center at Joenbuk National University to carry out joint research projects the Center for Quantum Devices of a five year period. ... [read more] |
295. | SWE Achievment Award Acceptance Adress: Dr. Razeghi Society of Women Engineers - October 1, 1995 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great pleasure and honor for me to have been selected at the 44th recipient of the Society of Women Engineers Achievement Award. ... [read more] |
296. | For Leadership and COntributions to Optoelectronic Devices and Education Society of Women Engineers - October 1, 1995 The Achievement Award is the highest award given annually by the Society of Women Engineers. It's presented annually to a woman who has made an outstanding contribution in a field of engineering, has academic training in either science or engineering, and meets the requirements for Senor Member in the Society. ... [read more] |
297. | Korean Center Inauguration McCormick Dimension - September 1, 1995 In ceremonies held July 28, Northwestern and Korea announced a five-year collaboration between KOSEF and the Center for Quantum Devices to develop new semiconductors and lasers. ... [read more] |
298. | InGaAsP Laser Diodes Outperform AlGaAs Opto & Laser Europe - October 1, 1994 High-power semiconductor lasers based on InGaAsP alloys offer a superior alternative to conventional AlGaAs diodes. That's the view of Manijeh Razeghi at Northwestern Universtiy, who has fabricated devices with threshold current densities as low as 80 A/cm2, differential efficiencies as high as 1.2W/A, and projected lifetimes between 10^5 and 10^7 hours. ... [read more] |
299. | Aluminum-Free High-Power Diodes have Long Lifetimes Laser Focus World - August 1, 1994 Scientist at Northwestern University have fabricated high-power laser diodes based on InGaAsP lattice-matched to GaAs substrates. The devices have power outputs of 750 mW in quasi-continuous more, and 650 mW in continuous mode (per facet). Razehi says that these devices have suffered no observable degradation after more than 3000 house of operation in the quasi-continuous regime. ... [read more] |
300. | Indium Makes More Durable Semiconductor Laser Inside R&D - July 6, 1994 A strong case has been made for replacing aluminum-based semiconductor lasers with a new indium-based type that researchers at Northwestern University have been working on. In fact, the durability of the new semiconductor diodes is enough better than those in present high-power lasers that we could see new applications. ... [read more] |