301. | Current status and potential of high power mid-infrared intersubband lasers SPIE International Photonics West Symposium San Francisco, CA -- January 25, 2010 |
302. | High performance quantum dot and quantum well infrared focala plane arrays SPIE International Photonics West Symposium San Francisco, CA -- January 24, 2010 |
303. | Watt level performance of photonic crystal distributed feedback quantum cascade laser SPIE International Photonics West Symposium San Francisco, CA -- January 23, 2010 |
304. | Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattices: A Developing Material System vs. Mercury Cadmium Telluride - The State-of-the-Art Infrared Detection Technology DRS RSTA Inc. - Infrared Technologies Division Dallas, TX -- December 14, 2009 |
305. | Modern Atomic Engineering: Building Better Optoelectronics from the Atoms Up IEEE Boston Photonics Society MIT LIncoln Labs, Lexington, MA -- December 10, 2009 |
306. | Type II InAs/GaSb superlattices: A developing material system vs. Mercury Cadium Telluride; the state-of-the-art infrared detection technology National Research Council Committee on the Developments in Detector Technoloiges, The National Academies Washington, DC -- December 8, 2009 |
307. | Recent advances in quantum cascade lasers at the Center for Quantum Devices International Workshop on Terahertz and Mid Infrared Radiation (TERA-MIR): Basic Research and Applications Turunc-Marmaris, Turkey -- November 3, 2009 |
308. | Hybrid Green LEDs with n-type ZnO Substituted for n-type GaN in an Inverted p-n Junction IEEE LEOS Photonics Annual Meeting Belek-Antalya, Turkey -- October 7, 2009 |
309. | High power, high WPE, CW, RT operation of quantum cascade lasers: Recent results and future trends IEEE LEOS Photonics Annual Meeting Belek-Antalya, Turkey -- October 6, 2009 |
310. | State of the art Type II superlattices in infrared detection and imaging IEEE LEOS Photonics Annual Meeting Belek-Antalya, Turkey -- October 4, 2009 |
311. | State-of-the-art Type II antimonide-based superlattice photodiodes for infrared detection and imaging SPIE Optics and Photonics Symposium San Diego, CA -- August 4, 2009 |
312. | State of the art of Type II superlattices in infrared detection and imaging International Conference on Narrow Gap Semiconductors and Systems (NGS-2) Sendai, Japan -- July 13, 2009 |
313. | Atomic engineering of low dimensional quantum systems in III-V semiconductors for infrared detection and imaging International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging Beijing, China -- June 17, 2009 |
314. | Plenary Talk - III-Nitride Optoelectronic Devices: High Performance GaN Avalanche Photodiodes, Novel Green Light Emitting Diodes and III-Nitride Intersubband Devices AFOSR Joint Electronics Program Review Arlington, VA -- May 27, 2009 |
315. | Quantum dot in a well infrared photodetectors for high operating temperature focal plane arrays SPIE International Symposium on Microtechnologies for the New Millennium Dresden, Germany -- May 6, 2009 |
316. | Material and design engineering of (Al)GaN for high-performance avalanche photodiodes and intersubband applications SPIE International Symposium on Microtechnologies for the New Millennium Dresden, Germany -- May 5, 2009 |
317. | Background limited performance of long wavelength infrared focal plane arrays fabricated from Type-II InAs/GaSb M-structure superlattice SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXV Conference Orlando, FL -- April 14, 2009 |
318. | High performance antimony base Type-II superlattice photodiodes on GaAs substrate SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXV Conference Orlando, FL -- April 14, 2009 |
319. | Modern Optoelectronics: Building Better Materials from the Atoms Up Invited Colloquium Speaker, Physics Department, Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX -- March 6, 2009 |
320. | III-Nitride avalanche photodiodes SPIE Photonics West Symposium, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices VI San Jose, CA -- January 26, 2009 |
321. | Mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers with high wall plug efficiency SPIE Photonics West Symposium, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices VI San Jose, CA -- January 26, 2009 |
322. | Pulsed metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of high quality AlN/GaN superlattices for intersubband transitions SPIE Photonics West Symposium, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices VI San Jose, CA -- January 26, 2009 |
323. | GaN-based nanostructured photodetectors SPIE Photonics West Symposium, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices VI San Jose, CA -- January 26, 2009 |
324. | The importance of band alignment in VLWIR type-II InAs/GaSb heterodiodes containing the M-structure barrier SPIE Photonics West Symposium, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices VI San Jose, CA -- January 26, 2009 |
325. | Background limited performance of long wavelength infrared focal plane arrays fabricated from M-structure InAs/GaSb superlattices SPIE Photonics West Symposium, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices VI San Jose, CA -- January 26, 2009 |
326. | Inductively coupled plasma etching and processing techniques for type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices infrared detectors toward high fill factor focal plane arrays SPIE Photonics West Symposium, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices VI San Jose, CA -- January 26, 2009 |
327. | Hybrid green LEDs based on n-ZnO/(InGaN/GaN) multi-quantum-wells/p-GaN SPIE Photonics West Symposium, Zinc Oxide Materials and Devices IV San Jose, CA -- January 25, 2009 |
328. | Quantum dot in a well infrared photodetectors for high operating temperature focal plane arrays SPIE Photonics West Symposium, Quantum Dots, Particles and Nanoclusters VI San Jose, CA -- January 25, 2009 |
329. | High-power high-wall plug efficiency mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers based on InP/GaInAs/InAlAs material system SPIE Photonics West Symposium, Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers VIII San Jose, CA -- January 25, 2009 |
330. | High performance type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes for infrared detection and imaging Quantum Structure Infrared Photodetector (QSIP) Yosemite, CA -- January 20, 2009 |
331. | Quantum dot in a well infrared photodetectors for high operating temperature focal plane arrays Quantum Structure Infrared Photodetector (QSIP) Yosemite, CA -- January 19, 2009 |
332. | Modern Atomic Engineering: Inspiration from Nature Distinguished Speaker, EECS Department, Northwestern University Evanston, IL -- December 3, 2008 [Conference Link] |
333. | High performance type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices photodetectors and focal plane arrays 26th Army Conference Orlando, FL -- December 1, 2008 |
334. | High performance type-II InAs/GaSb long wavelength infrared photodetectors and focal plane arrays U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of II-VI Materials Las Vegas, NV -- November 11, 2008 |
335. | Building a Better Infrared Laser with Band Structure Engineering Invited Seminar, Department of Physics and Optical Science University of North Carolina at Charlotte -- October 17, 2008 |
336. | Atomic engineering of low dimensional quantum systems in III-V semiconductors for infrared detection and imaging NRO, Invited Seminar Chantilly, VA -- October 7, 2008 |
337. | Heterogeneous Monolithic Integration of III-V Semiconductors on GaAs and Si Substrates for Large Format Infrared Focal Plane Array Development DARPA Common Platform Composite Wafer Technology: IR Materials Workshop Chicago, IL -- October 6, 2008 |
338. | High Performance QC Lasers: Latest Achievements and Future Trends International Quantum Cascade Lasers School and Workshop (IQCLSW) Monte Verita, Switzerland -- September 14, 2008 |
339. | Very High Performance LWIR Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Photodiodes with M-Structure SPIE Optics and Photonics Symposium, Conference on Advanced Detectors and Technologies San Diego, CA -- August 11, 2008 |
340. | Development of Material Quality and Structural Design for High Performance Type II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Photodiodes SPIE Optics and Photonics Symposium, Conference on Advanced Detectors and Technologies San Diego, CA -- August 11, 2008 |
341. | III-Nitride Based UV Single Photon Detection (APDs) 2nd International Symposium on Growth of III-Nitrides (ISGN-2) Laforet Shuzenji Izu, Japan -- July 6, 2008 |
342. | Type II InAs/GaSb Superlattices: A Promising Material System for Infrared 2008 Euro American Workshop on Information Optics Annecy, France -- June 1, 2008 |
343. | Plenary Talk, New Frontiers in InP Based Quantum Devices 20th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM) 2008 Versailles, France -- May 25, 2008 |
344. | Quantum Dots or Artificial Atoms: Solution for High Performance IR Thermal Imaging Particles 2008 Conference Orlando, FL -- May 10, 2008 |
345. | UV laser diodes based on AlGaN nanostructures 2008 AFRL-AFOSR Nanotechnology Initiative Review Fairborn, OH -- May 6, 2008 |
346. | Keynote Speaker, A Strong History of US-Korea Collaborations with the Center for Quantum Devices US-AFOSR/South Korea-MOST Nanoscience Meeting Arlington, VA -- April 25, 2008 |
347. | Modeling, Material Growth and Processing, Detector and FPA Fabrication and Characterization and Comparison of Type-II Superlattice and HgCdTe Performance and Cost Type-II Strained Layer Superlattice (T2SL) IRFPA Workshop Arlington, VA -- April 8, 2008 |
348. | Atomic Control of Materials: Building Bloc for High Performance Quantum Devices Workshop on Recent Advances of Low Dimensional Structures and Devices Nottingham, England -- April 7, 2008 |
349. | New optoelectronic components based on quantum structures EOS Topical Meeting Utrecht, Netherlands -- March 31, 2008 |
350. | Electrically pumped photonic crystal distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers MRS Symposium on Materials and Devices for Laser Remote Sensing & Optical Communication San Francisco, CA -- March 24, 2008 |