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2. | Highly temperature insensitive quantum cascade lasers Y. Bai, N. Bandyopadhyay, S. Tsao, E. Selcuk, S. Slivken and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 97, No. 25-- December 20, 2010 ...[Visit Journal] An InP based quantum cascade laser (QCL) heterostructure emitting around 5 μm is grown with gas-source molecular beam epitaxy. The QCL core design takes a shallow-well approach to maximize the characteristic temperatures, T(0) and T(1), for operations above room temperature. A T(0) value of 383 K and a T(1) value of 645 K are obtained within a temperature range of 298–373 K. In room temperature continuous wave operation, this design gives a single facet output power of 3 W and a wall plug efficiency of 16% from a device with a cavity length of 5 mm and a ridge width of 8 μm. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | High-power continuous-wave operation of distributed-feedback quantum-cascade lasers at λ ~ 7.8 µm S.R. Darvish, W. Zhang, A. Evans, J.S. Yu, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, 89 (25)-- December 18, 2006 ...[Visit Journal] The authors present high-power continuous-wave (cw) operation of distributed-feedback quantum-cascade lasers. Continuous-wave output powers of 56 mW at 25 °C and 15 mW at 40 °C are obtained. Single-mode emission near 7.8 μm with a side-mode suppression ratio of >=30 dB and a tuning range of 2.83 cm−1 was obtained between 15 and 40 °C. The device exhibits no beam steering with a full width at half maximum of 27.4° at 25 °C in cw mode. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | High Power, Continuous-Wave, Quantum Cascade Lasers for MWIR and LWIR Applications S. Slivken, A. Evans, J.S. Yu, S.R. Darvish and M. Razeghi SPIE Conference, San Jose, CA, Vol. 6127, pp. 612703-- January 23, 2006 ...[Visit Journal] Over the past several years, our group has endeavored to develop high power quantum cascade lasers for a variety of remote and high sensitivity infrared applications. The systematic optimization of laser performance has allowed for demonstration of high power, continuous-wave quantum cascade lasers operating above room temperature. Since 2002, the power levels for individual devices have jumped from 20 mW to 600 mW. Expanding on this development, we have able to demonstrate continuous wave operation at many wavelengths throughout the mid- and far-infrared spectral range, and have now achieved >100 mW output in the 4.0 to 9.5 µm range. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Widely tunable room temperature semiconductor terahertz source Q. Y. Lu, S. Slivken, N. Bandyopadhyay, Y. Bai, and M. Razeghi Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 201102-- November 17, 2014 ...[Visit Journal] We present a widely tunable, monolithic terahertz source based on intracavity difference frequency generation within a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser at room temperature. A three-section ridge waveguide laser design with two sampled grating sections and a distributed-Bragg section is used to achieve the terahertz (THz) frequency tuning. Room temperature single mode THz emission with a wide tunable frequency range of 2.6–4.2 THz (∼47% of the central frequency) and THz power up to 0.1 mW is demonstrated, making such device an ideal candidate for THz spectroscopy and sensing. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Comparison of chemical and laser lift-off for the transfer of InGaN-based p-i-n junctions from sapphire to glass substrates D. J. Rogers ; P. Bove ; F. Hosseini Teherani ; K. Pantzas ; T. Moudakir ; G. Orsal ; G. Patriarche ; S. Gautier ; A. Ougazzaden ; V. E. Sandana ; R. McClintock ; M. Razeghi Proc. SPIE 8626, Oxide-based Materials and Devices IV, 862611 (March 18, 2013)-- March 18, 2013 ...[Visit Journal] InGaN-based p-i-n structures were transferred from sapphire to soda-lime glass substrates using two approaches: (1) laser-lift-off (LLO) and thermo-metallic bonding and (2) chemical lift-off (LLO) by means sacrificial ZnO templates and direct wafer bonding. Both processes were found to function at RT and allow reclaim of the expensive single crystal substrate. Both approaches have also already been demonstrated to work for the wafer-scale transfer of III/V semiconductors. Compared with the industry-standard LLO, the CLO offers the added advantages of a lattice match to InGaN with higher indium contents, no need for an interfacial adhesive layer (which facilitates electrical, optical and thermal coupling), no damaged/contaminated GaN surface layer, simplified sapphire reclaim (GaN residue after LLO may complicate reclaim) and cost savings linked to elimination of the expensive LLO process. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | High Power Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs) Grown by GasMBE M. Razeghi and S. Slivken SPIE Proceedings, International Conference on Solid State Crystals (ICSSC), Zakopane, Poland, -- October 14, 2002 ...[Visit Journal] This paper is a brief summary of the technological development and state-of-the-art performance of quantum cascade lasers produced at the Centre for Quantum Devices. Laser design will be discussed, as well as experimental details of device fabrication. Recent work has focused on the development of high peak and average power QCLs emitting at room temperature and above. Scaling of the output is demonstrated by increasing the number of emitting regions in the waveguide core. At λ = 9 µm, over 7 W of peak power has been demonstrated at room temperature for a single diode, with an average power of 300 mW at 6% duty cycle. At shorter wavelengths, laser development includes the use of highly strain-balanced heterostructures in order to maintain a high conduction band offset and minimize leakage current. At λ = 6 µm, utilizing a high reflective coating and epilayer-down mounting of the laser, we have demonstrated 225 mW of average power from a single facet at room temperature. Lastly, these results are put in perspective of other reported results and possible future directions are discussed.
[reprint (PDF)] |
2. | New design strategies for multifunctional and inexpensive quantum cascade lasers Steven Slivken; Manijeh Razeghi Proc. SPIE 10926, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XVI, 1092611-- February 1, 2019 ...[Visit Journal] This manuscript describes some of the new advances in active mid-infrared photonic integrated circuits enabled by new quantum cascade laser technologies. This includes monolithic beam steering which was achieved via the integration of a widely tunable QCL and a tapered grating outcoupler. A record 17.9 degrees of steering with a low divergence beam (0.5 degrees) was achieved. In addition, the use of surface emitting architectures is proposed as a means to reduce the manufacturing cost of next-generation QCLs. A reflective outcoupler is demonstrated which can allow for stable surface emission from a quantum cascade laser and has potential for cost-effective wafer-scale manufacturing. This outcoupler is integrated with an amplified, electrically tunable laser architecture to demonstrate high power surface emission at a wavelength near 4.9 μm. Single mode peak power up to 6.7 W is demonstrated with >6 W available over a 90 cm−1 (215 nm) spectral range. All of this is achieved while maintaining a high quality output beam, similar to a standard edge emitter. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Mid-wavelength infrared heterojunction phototransistors based on type-II InAs/AlSb/GaSb superlattices A. Haddadi, S. Adhikary, A. Dehzangi, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 109, 021107-- July 12, 2016 ...[Visit Journal] A mid-wavelength infrared heterojunction phototransistor based on type-II InAs/AlSb/GaSb superlattices on GaSb substrate has been demonstrated. Near a wavelength of 4 μm saturated optical gains of 668 and 639 at 77 and 150 K, respectively, are demonstrated over a wide dynamic range. At 150 K, the unity optical gain collector dark current density and DC current gain are 1 × 10−3 A/cm² and 3710, respectively. This demonstrates the potential for use in high-speed applications. In addition, the phototransistor exhibits a specific detectivity value that is four times higher compared with a state-of-the-art type-II superlattice-based photodiode with a similar cut-off wavelength at 150 K. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Room temperature compact THz sources based on quantum cascade laser technology M. Razeghi; Q.Y. Lu; N. Bandyopadhyay; S. Slivken; Y. Bai Proc. SPIE 8846, Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications IV, 884602 (September 24, 2013)-- November 24, 2013 ...[Visit Journal] We present the high performance THz sources based on intracavity difference-frequency generation from mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers. Room temperature single-mode operation in a wide THz spectral range of 1-4.6 THz is demonstrated from our Čerenkov phase-matched THz sources with dual-period DFB gratings. High THz power up to 215 μW at 3.5 THz is demonstrated via epi-down mounting of our THz device. The rapid development renders this type of THz sources promising local oscillators for many astronomical and medical applications. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Microstrip Array Ring FETs with 2D p-Ga2O3 Channels Grown by MOCVD Manijeh Razeghi, Junhee Lee, Lakshay Gautam, Jean-Pierre Leburton, Ferechteh H. Teherani, Pedram Khalili Amiri, Vinayak P. Dravid and Dimitris Pavlidis Photonics 2021, 8(12), 578; ...[Visit Journal] Gallium oxide (Ga2O3) thin films of various thicknesses were grown on sapphire (0001) substrates by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using trimethylgallium (TMGa), high purity deionized water, and silane (SiH4) as gallium, oxygen, and silicon precursors, respectively. N2 was used as carrier gas. Hall measurements revealed that films grown with a lower VI/III ratio had a dominant p-type conduction with room temperature mobilities up to 7 cm2/Vs and carrier concentrations up to ~1020 cm−3 for thinner layers. High resolution transmission electron microscopy suggested that the layers were mainly κ phase. Microstrip field-effect transistors (FETs) were fabricated using 2D p-type Ga2O3:Si, channels. They achieved a maximum drain current of 2.19 mA and an on/off ratio as high as ~108. A phenomenological model for the p-type conduction was also presented. As the first demonstration of a p-type Ga2O3, this work represents a significant advance which is state of the art, which would allow the fabrication of p-n junction based devices which could be smaller/thinner and bring both cost (more devices/wafer and less growth time) and operating speed (due to miniaturization) advantages. Moreover, the first scaling down to 2D device channels opens the prospect of faster devices and improved heat evacuation [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Background limited long wavelength infrared type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes operating at 110 K B.M. Nguyen, D. Hoffman, E.K. Huang, P.Y. Delaunay, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, No. 12, p. 123502-1-- September 22, 2008 ...[Visit Journal] The utilization of the P+-pi-M-N+ photodiode architecture in conjunction with a thick active region can significantly improve long wavelength infrared Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes. By studying the effect of the depletion region placement on the quantum efficiency in a thick structure, we achieved a topside illuminated quantum efficiency of 50% for an N-on-P diode at 8.0 µm at 77 K. Both the double heterostructure design and the application of polyimide passivation greatly reduce the surface leakage, giving an R0A of 416 Ω·cm2 for a 1% cutoff wavelength of 10.52 µm, a Shot–Johnson detectivity of 8.1×1011 cm·Hz½/W at 77 K, and a background limited operating temperature of 110 K with 300 K background. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Temperature dependent characteristics of λ ~ 3.8 µm room-temperature continuous-wave quantum-cascade lasers J.S. Yu, A. Evans, S. Slivken, S.R. Darvish and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, 88 (25)-- June 19, 2006 ...[Visit Journal] The highest-performance device displays pulsed laser action at wavelengths between 3.4 and 3.6 μm, for temperatures up to 300 K, with a low temperature (80 K) threshold current density of approximately 2.6 kA/cm2, and a characteristic temperature of T0~130 K. The shortest wavelength QCL (λ ~ 3.05 μm) has a higher threshold current density (~12 kA/cm2 at T=20 K) and operates in pulsed mode at temperatures up to 110 K. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Widely tuned room temperature terahertz quantum cascade laser sources Q.Y. Lu, N. Bandyopadhyay, S. Slivken, Y. Bai and M. Razeghi SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 8631, p. 863108-1, Photonics West, San Francisco, CA-- February 3, 2013 ...[Visit Journal] Room temperature THz quantum cascade laser sources with a broad spectral coverage based on intracavity difference frequency generation are demonstrated. Two mid-infrared active cores in the longer mid-IR wavelength range (9-11 micron)based on the single-phonon resonance scheme are designed with a second-order difference frequency nonlinearity
specially optimized for the high operating fields that correspond to the highest mid-infrared output powers. A Čerenkov phase-matching scheme along with integrated dual-period distributed feedback gratings are used for efficient THz extraction and spectral purification. Single mode emissions from 1.0 to 4.6 THz with a side-mode suppression ratio and output power up to 40 dB and 32 μW are obtained, respectively. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Highly Conductive Co-Doped Ga2O3Si-In Grown by MOCVD Junhee Lee, Honghyuk Kim, Lakshay Gautam and Manijeh Razeghi Coatings 2021, 11(3), 287; https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings11030287 ...[Visit Journal] We report a highly conductive gallium oxide doped with both silicon and indium grown on c-plane sapphire substrate by MOCVD. From a superlattice structure of indium oxide and gallium oxide doped with silicon, we obtained a highly conductive material with an electron hall mobility up to 150 cm2/V·s with the carrier concentration near 2 × 1017 cm−3. However, if not doped with silicon, both Ga2O3:In and Ga2O3 are highly resistive. Optical and structural characterization techniques such as X-ray, transmission electron microscope, and photoluminescence, reveal no significant incorporation of indium into the superlattice materials, which suggests the indium plays a role of a surfactant passivating electron trapping defect levels. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Dark current suppression in Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice long wavelength infrared photodiodes with M-structure barrier B.M. Nguyen, D. Hoffman, P.Y. Delaunay, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91, No. 16, p. 163511-1-- October 15, 2007 ...[Visit Journal] We presented an alternative design of Type-II superlattice photodiodes with the insertion of a mid-wavelength infrared M-structure AlSb/GaSb/InAs/GaSb/AlSb superlattice for the reduction of dark current. The M-structure superlattice has a larger carrier effective mass and a greater band discontinuity as compared to the standard Type-II superlattices at the valence band. It acts as an effective medium that weakens the diffusion and tunneling transport at the depletion region. As a result, a 10.5 µm cutoff Type-II superlattice with 500 nm M-superlattice barrier exhibited a R0A of 200 cm2 at 77 K, approximately one order of magnitude higher than the design without the barrier. The quantum efficiency of such structures does not show dependence on either barrier thickness or applied bias. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | High Performance Quantum Cascade Laser Results at the Centre for Quantum Devices M. Razeghi and S. Slivken Physica Status Solidi, 195 (1)-- January 1, 2003 ...[Visit Journal] In this paper, we review some of the history and recent results related to the development of the quantum cascade laser at the Center for Quantum Devices. The fabrication of the quantum cascade laser is described relative to growth, characterization, and processing. State-of-the-art testing results for 5-11 μm lasers will be then be explored, followed by a future outlook for the technology. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Shortwave quantum cascade laser frequency comb for multi-heterodyne spectroscopy Q. Y. Lu, S. Manna, D. H. Wu, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 112, 141104-- April 3, 2018 ...[Visit Journal] Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are versatile light sources with tailorable emitting wavelengths covering the mid-infrared and terahertz spectral ranges. When the dispersion is minimized, frequency combs can be directly emitted from quantum cascade lasers via four-wave mixing. To date, most of the mid-infrared quantum cascade laser combs are operational in a narrow wavelength range wherein the QCL dispersion is minimal. In this work, we address the issue of very high dispersion for shortwave QCLs and demonstrate 1-W dispersion compensated shortwave QCL frequency combs at λ~5.0 μm, spanning a spectral range of 100 cm−1. The multi-heterodyne spectrum exhibits 95 equally spaced frequency comb lines, indicating that the shortwave QCL combs are ideal candidates for high-speed high-resolution spectroscopy [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Ultraviolet avalanche photodiodes Ryan McClintock ; Manijeh Razeghi Proc. SPIE 9555, Optical Sensing, Imaging, and Photon Counting: Nanostructured Devices and Applications, 95550B -- August 28, 2015 ...[Visit Journal] The III-Nitride material system is rapidly maturing; having proved itself as a material for LEDs and laser, and now finding use in the area of UV photodetectors. However, many UV applications are still dominated by the use of photomultiplier tubes (PMT). PMTs are capable of obtaining very high sensitivity using internal electron multiplication gain (typically ~106). It is highly desirable to develop a compact semiconductor-based photodetector capable of realizing this level of sensitivity. In principle, this can be obtained in III-Nitrides by taking advantage of avalanche multiplication under high electric fields – typically 2.7 MV/cm, which with proper design can correspond to an external reverse bias of less than 100 volts.
In this talk, we review the current state-of-the-art in III-Nitride solar- and visible-blind APDs, and present our latest results on GaN APDs grown on both conventional sapphire and low dislocation density free-standing c- and m-plane GaN substrates. Leakage current, gain, and single photon detection efficiency (SPDE) of these APDs were compared. The spectral response and Geiger-mode photon counting performance of UV APDs are studied under low photon fluxes, with single photon detection capabilities as much as 30% being demonstrated in smaller devices. Geiger-mode operation conditions are optimized for enhanced SPDE. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Quantum-Cascade Lasers Operating in Continuous-Wave Mode Above 90°C at λ ~5.25 µm A. Evans, J. Nguyen, S. Slivken, J.S. Yu, S.R. Darvish, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 88 (5)-- January 30, 2006 ...[Visit Journal] We report on the design and fabrication of λ~5.25 μm quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) for very high temperature continuous-wave (CW) operation. CW operation is reported up to a maximum temperature of 90 °C (363 K). CW output power is reported in excess of 500 mW near room temperature with a low threshold current density. A finite element thermal model is used to investigate the Gth and maximum CW operating temperature of the QCLs. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Current status of high performance quantum cascade lasers at the center for quantum devices M. Razeghi; A. Evans; Y. Bai; J. Nguyen; S. Slivken; S.R. Darvish; K. Mi Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials. 588-593:[4266015] (2007)-- May 14, 2007 ...[Visit Journal] Mid-infrared laser sources are highly desired for laser-based trace chemical sensors, military countermeasures, free-space communications, as well as developing medical applications. While application development has been limited by the availability of adequate mid-infrared sources, InP-based quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) hold promise as inexpensive, miniature, portable solutions capable of producing high powers and operating at high temperatures with excellent beam quality and superior reliability. This paper discusses the most recent developments of application-ready high power (> 100 mW), continuous-wave (CW), mid-infrared QCLs operating above room temperature with lifetimes exceeding 13,000 hours. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | First Demonstration of ~ 10 microns FPAs in InAs/GaSb SLS M. Razeghi, P.Y. Delaunay, B.M. Nguyen, A. Hood, D. Hoffman, R. McClintock, Y. Wei, E. Michel, V. Nathan and M. Tidrow IEEE LEOS Newsletter 20 (5)-- October 1, 2006 ...[Visit Journal] The concept of Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice was first brought by Nobel Laureate L. Esaki, et al. in the 1970s. There had been few studies on this material system until two decades later when reasonable quality material growth was made possible using molecular beam epitaxy. With the addition of cracker cells for the group V sources and optimizations of material growth conditions, the superlattice quality become significantly improved and the detectors made of these superlattice materials can meet the demand in some practical field applications. Especially in the LWIR regime, it provides a very promising alternative to HgCdTe for better material stability and uniformity, etc. We have developed the empirical tight binding model (ETBM) for precise determination of the superlattice bandgap. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Room-temperature continuous-wave operation of quantum-cascade lasers at λ ~ 4 µm J.S. Yu, S.R. Darvish, A. Evans, J. Nguyen, S. Slivken, and M. Razeghi Applied Physics Letters 88 (4)-- January 23, 2006 ...[Visit Journal] High-power cw λ~4 μm quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) are demonstrated. The effect of different cavity length and laser die bonding is also investigated. For a high-reflectivity-coated 11-μm-wide and 4-mm-long epilayer-down bonded QCL, cw output powers as high as 1.6 W at 80 K and 160 mW at 298 K are obtained, and the cw operation is achieved up to 313 K with 12 mW. [reprint (PDF)] |
2. | Comparison of PLD-Grown p-NiO/n-Ga2O3 Heterojunctions on Bulk Single Crystal β-Ga2O3 and r-plane Sapphire Substrates D. J. Rogers , V. E. Sandana, F. Hosseini Teherani and M. Razeghi Proc. of SPIE Vol. 12895, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XX, 128870J (28 January - 1 February 2024 San Francisco)doi: 10.1117/12.3012511 ...[Visit Journal] p-NiO/n-Ga2O3 heterostructures were formed on single crystal (-201) β (monoclinic) Ga2O3 and r-sapphire substrates by
Pulsed Laser Deposition. Ring mesa layer stacks were created using a shadow mask during growth. X-Ray diffraction
studies were consistent with the formation of (111) oriented fcc NiO on the bulk Ga2O3 and randomly oriented fcc NiO
on (102) oriented β-Ga2O3 /r-sapphire. RT optical transmission studies revealed bandgap energy values of ~3.65 eV and
~5.28 eV for the NiO and Ga2O3 on r-sapphire. p-n junction devices were formed by depositing gold contacts on the
layer stacks using shadow masks in a thermal evaporator. Both heterojunctions showed rectifying I/V characteristics. On
bulk Ga2O, the junction showed a current density over 16mA/cm2 at +20V forward bias and a reverse bias leakage
current over 3 orders of magnitude lower at -20V (1 pA). On Ga2O3/r-sapphire the forward bias current density at +15V
was about an order of magnitude lower than for the p-NiO/bulk n-Ga2O3 heterojunction while the reverse bias leakage
current at -15V (~ 20 pA) was an order of magnitude higher. Hence the NiO/bulk Ga2O3 junction was more rectifying.
Upon illumination with a Xenon lamp a distinct increase in current was observed for the IV curves in both devices (four
orders of magnitude for -15V reverse bias in the case of the p-NiO/bulk n-Ga2O3 heterojunction). The p-NiO/n-Ga2O3/rsapphire junction gave a spectral responsivity with a FWHM value of 80nm and two distinct response peaks (with
maxima at 230 and 270nm) which were attributed to carriers being photogenerated in the Ga2O3 underlayer. For both
devices time response studies showed a 10%/90% rise and fall of the photo generated current upon shutter open and
closing which was relatively abrupt (millisecond range), and there was no evidence of significant persistent
photoconductivity. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | A review of the growth, doping, and applications of β-Ga2O3 thin films Manijeh Razeghi, Ji-Hyeon Park , Ryan McClintock, Dimitris Pavlidis, Ferechteh H. Teherani, David J. Rogers, Brenden A. Magill, Giti A. Khodaparast, Yaobin Xu, Jinsong Wu, Vinayak P. Dravid Proc. SPIE 10533, Oxide-based Materials and Devices IX, 105330R -- March 14, 2018 ...[Visit Journal] β-Ga2O3 is emerging as an interesting wide band gap semiconductor for solar blind photo detectors (SBPD) and high power field effect transistors (FET) because of its outstanding material properties including an extremely wide bandgap (Eg ~4.9eV) and a high breakdown field (8 MV/cm). This review summarizes recent trends and progress in the growth/doping of β-Ga2O3 thin films and then offers an overview of the state-of-the-art in SBPD and FET devices. The present challenges for β-Ga2O3 devices to penetrate the market in real-world applications are also considered, along with paths for future work. [reprint (PDF)] |
1. | Direct growth of thick AlN layers on nanopatterned Si substrates by cantilever epitaxy Ilkay Demir, Yoann Robin, Ryan McClintock, Sezai Elagoz, Konstantinos Zekentes, and Manijeh Razeghi Physica Status Solidi 214 (4), pp. 1770120-- April 4, 2017 ...[Visit Journal] The growth of thick, high quality, and low stress AlN films on Si substrates is highly desired for a number of applications like the development of micro and nano electromechanical system (MEMS and NEMS) technologies [1] and particularly for fabricating AlGaNbased UV LEDs [2–5]. UV LEDs are attractive as they are applied in many areas, such as biomedical instrumentations and dermatology, curing of industrial resins and inks, air
purification, water sterilization, and many others [2, 3]. UV LEDs have been generally fabricated on AlN, GaN, Al2O3, or SiC substrates because of better lattice mismatching to AlGaN material systems. [reprint (PDF)] |
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