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New Superlattice Structure Enables High Performance Infrared Imaging
New Superlattice Structure Enables High Performance Infrared Imaging
McCormick Press Release - May 27, 2008
Scientists at the Center for Quantum Devices (CQD) in the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University have demonstrated for the first time a high-performance infrared imager, based on a Type II superlattice, which looks at wavelengths 20 times longer than visible light. ... [read more]
New Mid-Infrared Lasers Show Doubled Efficiency
New Mid-Infrared Lasers Show Doubled Efficiency
McCormick Press Release - May 19, 2008
Researchers at the Center for Quantum Devices at the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University have recently doubled the efficiency of infrared lasers under the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Efficient Mid-wave Infrared Lasers (EMIL) program. ... [read more]
Type-II semiconductor superlattice photodetectors new alternative to HgCdTe
Type-II semiconductor superlattice photodetectors new alternative to HgCdTe
Laser Focus World - May 15, 2008
In a invited talk at SPIE's Defense + Security Symposium March 17th, Professor Manijeh Razeghi announced that Type-II InAs/GaSb photodetectors may now be an important alternative to existing detectors in the LWIR and VLWIR ranges. ... [read more]
Tiny Avalanche Photodiode Detects Single UV Photons
Tiny Avalanche Photodiode Detects Single UV Photons
McCormick Press Release - January 28, 2008
In a significant breakthrough, researchers at Northwestern University’s Center for Quantum Devices (CQD) have demonstrated visible-blind avalanche photodiodes (APDs) capable of detecting single photons in the ultraviolet region (360-200 nm). ... [read more]
Turning Ideas into Reality
Turning Ideas into Reality
SPIE - January 15, 2008
"Having a mentor to push and challenge you to do things you never imagined possible is worth more than any book." -- Manijeh Razeghi ... [read more]
Award Winning Publication: Quantum-Dot IR Photodetectors Get 'Hotter'
Award Winning Publication: Quantum-Dot IR Photodetectors Get 'Hotter'
Laser Focus World - December 31, 2007
Laser Focus World awarded the Center for Quantum Devices a prestigious Commendation for Excellence in Technical Communications in appreciation for the article Quantum-dot IR photodetectors get "hotter", published in December of 2007. ... [read more]
Quantum-Dot IR Photodetectors Get 'Hotter'
Quantum-Dot IR Photodetectors Get 'Hotter'
Laser Focus World - December 15, 2007
Recent improvements to the operating temperature and quantum efficiency of quantum-dot infrared photo detectors (QDIPs) may lead to new high-performance imagers operating at or close to room temperature. They may be useful in medical and biological imaging, environmental and chemical monitoring, night vision, and infrared telescopes. ... [read more]
Women in Optics Calender 2008
Women in Optics Calender 2008
SPIE - December 1, 2007
What I wish someone had told me:
In all aspects of life, not only science, it is essential to surround yourself by those who have demonstrated excellence and those whom you can look to for inspiration Having a mentor to push and challenge you to do things you never imagined possible is worth more than any book. ... [read more]

QC laser sets new wall-plug-efficiency record
QC laser sets new wall-plug-efficiency record
Laser Focus World - September 1, 2007
Researchers at the CQD, who previously developed MWIR quantum-cascade lasers, are reporting another milestone in power output and wall-plug efficiency for their devices. The Northwestern team has demonstrated power levels of 675 mW at room temperature with a 9.3% wall-plug efficiency and power levels of more than 1 W at 150 K with a wall-plug efficiency greater than 18% at a wavelength of approximately 4.7 μm. ... [read more]
Laser Sets Records in Power and Energy Efficiency
Laser Sets Records in Power and Energy Efficiency
Northwestern University (Press Release) - July 18, 2007
The Center for Quantum Devices, has recently made great strides in laser design, material growth and laser fabrication that have greatly increased the output power and wall-plug efficiency of Quantum Cascade Lasers. The CQD has demonstrated lasers emitting at wavelengths of 4.5 microns, capable of producing over 700 milli-Watts of continuous output power at room temperature and more than one Watt of output power at lower temperatures. These lasers have a 10 percent wall-plug efficiency at room temperature and more than 18 percent wall-plug efficiency at lower temperatures, which is far superior to any competing laser technology at this wavelength. ... [read more]

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